Hitman Blues Band at MFP
Fresh off its tour of the UK, LI's the Hitman Blues Band takes the stage at My Father's Place on Feb. 28.
Tickets are available here
Tickets are available here
Duke Robillard back on LI
We have discounted tickets for Blues Society members for the March 8 show at My Father's Place featuring guitar slinger Duke Robillard and the BFS trio (that's local faves Pam Betti, Mark Fowler and Gary Sellers ). Don't miss out. Email info@libsny for discounted blues society tickets.
The Blues, Chicago StylE
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Join the Blues Society
What do you get for your money? Well aside from supporting live music and helping keep the blues alive as a living art form, we 're starting to get sponsors that are offering us deals. The Suffolk Theater recently offered our members 10% discounts on three shows -- including The Blues Project. What else, you ask? How about 10 percent off at All Music in Plainview with your membership card and 20% off orders from MC Records with the checkout code LIBLUES. And we are working on more all the time. Click the box below and join today!
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